
This was the last planned International Mountain Medicine Course in the Czech Republic, which during last 5 years succeeded to educate 71 doctors, paramedics and mountaineers in the mountain medicine. The Course was running under the support of the ISMM, ICAR MedCom and the UIAA MedCom and in cooperation with the EMS of Liberec, DSA helicopter company, Czech Mountain Rescue and other cooperating companies, to all of whom belong our deepest thanks and respect.

We are pleased to invite you to watch a short video from the Course.

Final day – examination

The last day was the moment to prove all the achieved skills. The comprehensive examination concerned the medical part of the Course’ participants and covered all the topics in mountain medicine.

A MCQ test was followed by an oral exam consisting of presentation of one case scenario and a by one practical task as well. With the idea to enjoy every last minute of the sunny weather in the mountains, the examination committee proposed to arrange the exam in the open air.

Finally, all the participants were rightfully awarded with the Diploma in Mountain Medicine (medical part) and with a certificate (mountaineers).

After this marvellous week full of enthusiasm, friendship and shared passion for mountaineering and rescue, it was quite hard for everybody to leave and return back home to Slovakia, Croatia, Finland, Ireland, Switzerland or Germany.

Day 6 – Helicopter day

Day 6 was an absolute highlight of all the Course. In precious cooperation with the DSA helicopter company, HEMS team of Liberec and the Mountain Rescue, the Course participants took part in a training in evacuation of injured persons from difficult terrain with helicopter.

(Acknowledgements to Jan Kostík for the photographies.)

Despite the increasing spring temperatures, good snow conditions persisted and allowed all the group to move on touring skis every day. This is to thank to Namche outdoor shop, which supported the Course with the ski and mountaineering equipment location.


Day 5 – Trauma scenarios and interactive case reports

In the morning of the 5th day 5 different trauma scenarios were presented in the outdoor terrain.

Participants, divided in small groups, should prove the advanced trauma life support and the technical rescue techniques.

Afternoon was dedicated to the interactive case report presentation in topics of hypothermia, avalanche and frostbite. Doctor Urs Wiget presented an impressive multiple-victim hypothermia accident, Dr. Lucie Langová spoke about cooperation between the EMS and the Mountain Rescue and Dr. Kristina Höschlová involved all the participants while presenting the consultations of her frostbitten patients.


Day 4 – Avalanche day

Day 4 was an “Avalanche Day”. Kristina opened the session presenting the medical approach and triage and Iva Sikulová, the Slovak avalanche specialist, proceeded with the training in avalanche prevention and technical rescue.

Later this day everybody could experience a real avalanche scenario prepared by the Czech Mountain Rescue members. The participants should organize research, rescue, multiple-victim triage and medical approach in a simulated avalanche accident.